Thursday, October 11, 2012

using c3p0 with logback

Problem statement: My web application is using logback framework for logging and I can see the cataline.out growing rapidly due to debug logs from com.mchange.v2 classes. logback.xml configurations does not work for me.

Solution: create file in your classpath with the following content

Note: c3p0 uses a different logging mechanism which works with log4j and jdk14logging. To use it with logback you need to use the FallBackMlog implementation.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Academic demo project using Java Swing, JUnit, MySQL, maven

One 23-06-2012 I have given a presentation on Academic projects to second year students of Govt. Polytechnic, Purappuzha, Idukki. The presentation included very simple project prototype using My-SQL, Java, Swing and JUNIT. Development tools are eclipse, maven and Swing GUI Designer in Linux platform. Here is the presentation and project source code.

UI module
Data Access Module

I hope this will help student who are planning to do their academic project. If you need further information on this mail me :

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Apache proxypass not working - end the url with /

If your apache proxypass does not work as expected then first thing to verify
> Make sure that the url end with a /

Correct configuration
ProxyPass /myservice/    http:/

Wrong configuration
ProxyPass /myservice    http:/

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Java Run time package

Collection of classes in same package loaded by the same class loader. Its a security measure incorporated by Java. If the classes of same package are loaded by different class loaders then those classes will  not be accessible to each other. This feature was included in Java version 2.