Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Add blurred border background to image to modify aspect ratio

This article discusses how to convert images of 1:1 or 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9 aspect ratio and vice versa by adding blurred background matching the colour theme of the image.

When a vertical list of images is to be displayed, images of different aspect ratio spoils the uniqueness of the page. For example, consider a youtube video listing. What if all the images are of different aspect ratio; 4:3, 1:1, 3:4 etc. The display will not look nice.

One approach to solving this problem is to add left-right / top-bottom borders to the image to match the required resolution, as shown below

Original image with 4:3 aspect ratio

Converted image with 16:9 aspect ration and matching borders
How to add these borders which match the colour scheme of the image? Here is a simple technique
  • Stretch the image to 16x9 aspect ratio 
    • new width = image height * (16/9)
  • Apply blur/ gaussian blur  as needed
  • Place the original image in the centre on top of the stretched image

Using image magick, these all can be done using a single command.

convert <image_name> \( -clone 0 -resize 345x194! -blur 0x20 \) \( -clone 0 \) -delete 0 -gravity center -composite <output_image_name>

I hope your app or web page will look neater now!!!


  1. This trick helps to convert an inappropriate thumbnail images into suitable layout and fills the unwanted grey spaces. Good work:)
